I'm Brandon from the Jaw Surgery Blog. I just wanted to congratulate you on a successful surgery, and it would be a great help to others and future patients that are going to be going through the same thing you did if you could share your story and experience. I'd love to get as many people to share their story as possible in one organized place, so people just like us won't be as scared, and they too can have a successful surgery. All you have to do is describe how the process was for you, in as much or as little detail as you like. For example, you could include how you felt right before surgery, how you felt after, what the sensations were like, what you wish you had known before, or anything else you can think of that will make the process a little bit easier for someone else. To help, just go here:
If you have any questions at all or trouble posting your story, just let me know, and I'll be glad to help you help others!
Thanks again,
The "Secret" works! Aku memiliki keinginan untuk berbagi. Ternyata telah ada sebuah forum yang bisa digunakan untuk berbagi, dan aku diundang untuk bergabung di dalamnya. Aku senang tergabung dalam forum ini (walaupun aku TIDAK MENJALANI JAW SURGERY - orthognatic), aku bisa berbagi proses orthodonti yang sedang aku jalani.
Terima kasih, Brandon!
Thanks again,

Terima kasih, Brandon!