Saturday, January 31, 2009
Funny Elastic Orthodontic
Are you bored to use the power O (elastic orthodontic) conventional? Now, It is available funny elastic orthodontic (Hello Kitty and Mickey Mouse). Does somebody want to decorate the braces that look funny?
Friday, January 30, 2009
Sikat Gigi Ortho (Orthodontic Brush)
Today, I change my toothbrush again. I definitely have to change my toothbrushes every (not more than one) month.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wireless Braces!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Kawat Gigi dan Juice (Braces and Juice)
Following the advice of friends and beloved family, I become increasingly crazed drinking fruit juice. Basically I have the hobby of juice drink. I am happy to consume fruit juice. In fact, I often be ridiculed friends if I go to the cafe, and I always ask ,"... have fruit juice in a cafe this ..?". I didn't drink a cup of coffe in the cafe, but still drinking fruit juice!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Bukan Pamer Kawat Gigi (It's not Braces Exhibition)
Atau ada yang suka melompat sambil "mingkem" alias tutup mulut ya?
I do not intend to exhibit my braces. I just want to jump. But somehow, every I jump, I always open my mouth. The result is my braces is visible. I don't want to show my braces!
Or, there is someone jump with "close mouth"?
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Kunjungan ke Blog Kawat Gigi (Braces Blog Visit)
Nggak percaya ya?
It's nice to know this blog ( visited by a number of people. I can share information and share my feeling. Although, honestly, I often feel ashamed.
Do you not believe?
Setelah Kontrol Ortho (After Orthodontic Visit)
How do I feel this at two days after the orthodontic visit? New braces was replaced, new bracket and power chains were installed, and the result is: pain. I didn't have my picture to shown, I hope this image could represent. Wooops!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Orthodontic Visit (19 January 2009)
I will show documentation before orthodontic visit at 19 January 2009. Look at this. There are shifting canine.
Pada kontrol ortho 19 Januari 2009, dokter gigiku menambahkan braket baru di sisi dalam gigi premolar ketiga (kiri dan kanan) untuk memutar gigi premolar tersebut. Rasanya aneh, ada benda asing yang menyentuh bagian bawah lidahku. Power chains dipasang juga di gigi ini untuk ditambatkan ke gigi geraham (molar kedua).
Kawat gigi yang bagian atas juga diganti dengan kawat berdiameter lebih kecil, ada lekukannya untuk mengaitkan power chains, yang kemudian ditarik ke belakang. Tarikannya terasa banget, gigi seri depan lateral incisor jadi terasa "lemas". Kawat gigi yang bawah masih sama seperti yang kemarin dan aku masih memakai karet elastik forestadent yang diganti tiap hari.
At orthodontic visit (19 January 2009), my orthodontist added a new bracket on the side of the third premolar teeth (left and right). It's strange. There is a foreign object that touches the bottom of my tongue. Power chains are also installed in these teeth.
The upper braces also replaced with smaller wire. Power chains are also installed in this wire. Lower braces is still same as yesterday wire. I am still wearing the rubber elastic (forestadent) that must be changed every day.
Mulutku terasa penuh dengan segala "aksesoris" orthodonti. Ada yang pernah mengalami hal ini?
My mouth is full of the orthodontic "accessories". Did you experience like this?
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Kawat Gigi, Aku dan Ibu (Braces, Me and MoM)
"Terima kasih atas semua yang telah Ibu berikan padaku. Aku sayang Ibu!"
I found this funny picture. Little shark and her (his) mother visited the dentist. Little shark got new braces. It makes me remember my lovely mommy. "Thanks for everything that you given to me, Mom. I love you!"
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Kawat Gigi: Sebelum dan Sesudah? (Braces: Before and After?)
I often imagine before and after my dental treatment. What is the difference before the braces and later the results after the braces removed? Maybe it is a little bit strange for some people if I enjoy this process.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Kawat Gigi dan Forestadent (Braces and Forestadent)
Now, I also use rubber elastic. I have to change the rubber every day.
Aku tersenyum setiap hari. :-)
Senyumku untuk Anda semua!
I smile every day. :-)
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Oto-Dokumentasi Kawat Gigi (Oto-Documentation of Braces)
My friend who have been visit my blog suggested me to make my braces documentation in the fixed angle and distance. So, the changes before and after can be recorded accurately. (Mbak Dessy Ambarwati, thanks!)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Banyak Pertanyaan tentang Kawat Gigi (Questions about Braces)
Ada juga beberapa e-mail yang menanyakan tentang kawat gigi. Aku memang bukan ahlinya, jadi aku hanya menjawab berdasarkan yang aku alami saja. Ya, berbagi informasi adalah hal menyenangkan yang bisa aku lakukan.
Since my blog ( visited by many people, I had more new friends. We make communication by e-mail and YM (Yahoo! Messenger). We can chat all about braces.
There are many questions about braces in my e-mail. I know that I'm not the orthodontic expert. So, I only answered base on my experience. To share about my orthodontic journey with other is something that I love to do.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Aku Tidak Sendiri (I'm NOT Alone)
Menulis tentang kawat gigi telah membawaku mendapatkan teman-teman baru dari seluruh penjuru dunia. Hal yang tidak terbayangkan sebelumnya kini terjadi. Luar biasa!
I'm not alone. This is because I have support from friends who often visit this blog. Although it is only a few words in the post comment (perhaps because of language problems), I feel happy in my "orthodontic journey". Thank you for all.
I have new friends from all over the world because I wrote about my braces. It is something that I couldn't imagine before, and now it happend. Incredible!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Orthodontic Visit (05 January 2009)
After delayed for a week, on Monday night, 5 January 2009, I visited my orthodontist again. My orthodontist changed my lower wire with a special form of wire. I use elastic rubbers in my lower canine and upper molar.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Pergeseran Geraham Kecil (Movement of Second Premolar)
Aku juga belum bisa mengetahui dan mambatasi pengunjung blog tentang gigiku ini. Bila aku memikirkan hal ini, ada sedikit rasa takut dan khawatir bila perjalanan perawatan gigiku ini "diikuti" oleh orang yang aku tidak mengenalnya dan memiliki niat yang enggak-enggak.
Namun di sisi lain, kini aku tau kalo aku tidak sendiri. Ada teman-teman yang nama blog-nya sudah tercantum di link ortho-blogger-ku, ada teman-teman yang mampir dan memberikan komentar, ada teman-teman yang mampir dan mengisi shout-box, dan (yang ini aku tidak tau siapa, mungkin Anda salah satunya) pasti ada teman-teman yang sekedar mampir atau justru tersesat hingga sampai ke Semoga semua ini adalah benar-benar temanku (atau setelah membaca ini segera menjadi temanku) yang keberadaannya tersebar di seluruh penjuru dunia.
Honestly, I ashamed because of "my open mouth" to public by my blog. I worried that my "orthodontic journey" folloed by someone who I didn't know. I also don't know who visited my blog. I can't create a limit to visit this blog.
But, on the other side, now I know that I am not alone. There are my friends: my ortho-blogger friends (their blog name writen on my link), my blog visitors (they leave a comment and fill the shout-box in my blog), and my "friends" who just stoped in my blog or might lost in my blog (may be you are one of them). You all are my friends. I'm alone without you. I love you all, where ever you are.
Kali ini aku kembali membuka mulut dan menunjukkan pergeseran gigi premolar kedua bawah (kiri dan kanan). Setelah tiga minggu ditarik oleh power chains, ada pergeseran yang terjadi, celah antara gigi premolar pertama dan premolar kedua semakin lebar. Aku cukup senang dengan pergeseran ini, walaupun aku menjadi lebih sulit mengunyah dan lebih mudah selilitan. Bayangkan kalo aku mengunyah daun sawi atau daun kangkung, pasti kunyahannya meleset dan melesak ke dalam celah. Selilitan deh!
I will open my mouth again to show you my teeth movement. I glad to know that my second-premolar movement, altough I have difficulty in chewing foods (the space between premolar makes my food "stay" in this space).
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Re: first anniversary braces (terima kasih dental center!)
E-mail from my Orthodontist.
Tahun Baru, Liburan dan Kawat Gigi (Happy New Year! Long Holiday and Braces)
Kini, kembali muncul, dan walau pun terlambat, aku mengucapkan "SELAMAT TAHUN BARU 2009". Semoga tahun 2009 kita bisa semakin baik di segala hal.
Bagiku, liburan bukan berarti lepas dari urusan gigi-geligi, kawat gigi, dan ide-ide menggelitik untuk didokumentasikan dan ditulis di blog. Entah karena emang cinta banget dengan blog ini, atau emang cuma iseng ya? :-)
Pas pulang kampung di Purbalingga, aku sempat mendokumentasikan bunga-bunga indah yang aku temukan di kampung halamanku. Hasilnya? Foto-foto bunga yang indah, background-nya kawat gigiku!
Pas ke Batu Malang, di Jatim Park, aku menemukan mulut dan gigi yang bisa dimasuki oleh manusia. Sudah pasti aku buat fotonya, dan aku menjadi modelnya. (Maaf, narsis)
Sorry, long time not posting in this blog. Hey, it's my long holiday! HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009! I have 2 pictures that I took in my holyday. First, it's about flowers in my home town and me (of course!) (in Purbalingga-Central Java) . Second, it's about "big mouth" and me (in Malang-East Java). Sorry, it's all about me and my braces.